It's been a quite while since Little Reaper was released, and however much we love Ollie, we have been working on some new stuff. We have been working on a few different projects since then, and have now settled into one we're happy to start talking about. VR Alchemy, (Working Title) Is a VR sandbox game about discovering all of the elements by merging them, and playing with the space around you. You play as an Alchemist that has stumbled upon a Void world and a magic book which they can use to create and combine things bringing the space around them to life. Here's a snippet of very early gameplay in action.
The game is evolving everyday, here's a more recent image in game.

We aim to create a style reminiscent of old medieval art and marginalia, as though the things you create are from all of the books the alchemist has collected.

Hope you liked this first look, I'll be sharing more soon, so keep watch!